Karachi Literature Festival (KLF) 2021

A panel discussion on “Freedom of Expression in Art and Literature” with Osman Haneef and Asim Abbasi. Moderated by Safina Danish Elahi.


Lahore Literary Festival (LLF) 2021

The Verdict book launch at LLF 2020: Osman Haneef in conversation with columnist and lawyer, Saroop Ijaz


Kitab Khana Books 2021

Watch Osman Haneef in conversation with Anjhula Mya Singh Bais on his debut novel 'Blasphemy: The Trial of Danesh Masih', toxic masculinity, his writing process, the pandemic and more.


British Council: Top tips for writers 2021

A few highlights from Osman’s talk at the British Council: Top tips for aspiring authors and writers.


Liberty Books 2021

Osman Haneef interviewed by author and publisher, Safinah Danish Elahi


The Writingroom.co & Readingpakistan Series on Authors

Osman Haneef interviewed by writer and critic, Maryam Tareen